I am not having my way, in my world today! The steady heat and dryness is causing the cicadas to migrate into the city. The shrillness of their unforgettable sounds, while calling their mates, can be deafening. The sounds travel in waves across many kilometers.
Cicadas are also known as 13 year, and 17 year, locusts. After mating, the female cuts slits into the twigs of trees before she inserts her eggs. One cicada can lay as many as 600 eggs. The nymphs, (young cicada's) hatch in about six weeks and drop to the ground, then work their way a few centimeters into the soil. They feed on the sap of tree roots. The years to maturity, depends on their species. When mature they climb up the tree trunk. One tree can hold as many as tens of thousands in a Forrest. No doubt, each one of my trees are holding it's limit.
Altoona is surrounded by Forrest. I have 7 trees on my property, let alone the many trees of my neighbors. Needless to say, once the sun goes down, and the mating begins, we are driven inside our homes just to be able to hold a normal conversation. It's upsetting because one of my favorite things to do after supper, enjoy a hot cup of coffee with dessert while sitting on our deck and watch the sunset.
These pictures were taken a few evenings ago, from my deck. Isn't it amazing how the sun is reflecting through the clouds? In one picture you can see the steeple of St. Mary's Church. The other picture shows the Cathedral Church, and our Gospel Hill Flag. I'm sorry I couldn't get a few pictures of the cicadas. They are camouflaged in the trees. You don't hear them or see them during the daylight.